The Power of Coaching

Nobody needs a coach. Yet, coaching can be so, so, so powerful. In fact, it can be life-changing. I know because I’ve been coached and it has changed my life. My coach has managed time and time again to remind me of my power, shift my view and dive into the realm of possibilities. Being in our power makes us create the impact we desire, be in flow, live our purpose, have fun and simply be unstoppable.

That’s why I want to share the gift of coaching with others.

If you are wondering whether to get a coach or not, ask yourself:

  • Do you feel that there’s a more beautiful, truer life waiting to be lived for you?

  • Would you like to have somebody who believes in you, even when you don’t?

  • Would you like to have somebody who listens fully to you, helps you solve problems and dares to tell you things nobody ever told you?

  • Would you like to be challenged in your views, so you can get better results?
    Because different views lead to different actions, which lead to different results.

  • Would you like to be held accountable to your big vision and find the right path for you?

If you have answered HELL YEAH to some of these questions, I encourage you to try out being coached. There’s many different coaches. It’s important that you find one that you trust.

How to find the right coach?

Leslie Kuster one of my “The Joypreneur” podcast guests said: “Get a coach that has been where you are now and that is where you want to be.”

And then, I found it’s important that my values align with the coach, I get the feeling (from spending free time together) that he/she can help me and that I like him/her.


What do you hate not doing?


January: Clarity, Community and CLUBHOUSE