You can lead. And you should. Here’s WHY

Do you think of yourself as a leader? Chances are that even if you don't have an official leadership title or a team to lead, that you do lead. I see acts of leaderships all day, every day, whether it's about leading change, a movement, a community or a family. The problem is that when media talks about leadership, we mostly see heroic acts of leadership. And then we think, well that's not me. So maybe I'm not a (good) leader?

There's so many problems to be solved, change to be led, responsibility to be taken, humanity to be shown.

We need more joyful leaders.

To do so, we need to change the way we see leadership and find a more inclusive, doable and empowering definition of what leadership is.

I like the following definition:

"A leader takes action towards a common goal for the group of two or more."
- by Les McKeown in the book "Do Lead".

Alas the question is not:

Are you a leader or not?

It's rather: Do you take acts of leadership? If yes, when and why?

A leader doesn't necessarily lead all the time. Maybe she/he leads in one area of her/his life, and is a follower in others. Maybe he leads the parent teacher association and follows orders in a part-time job. Maybe she leads a business and lets others take the lead at home.

Then there's the old discussion about:

Are leaders born or made?

I believe some might have a natural tendency to lead and others can learn it. The skillset needed is simple. It's not an easy journey, but a fulfilling one.

Before we talk about skills, your mindset is what matters: Are you willing to lead? Do you believe you'll figure out how?

Once you're willing to step up and lead, here’s how:

What it takes to be a joyful leader:

  • Courage, to lead with heart & mind, to show up vulnerably and authentically, be imperfect, fail, be unpopular

  • Clarity of purpose / WHY / mission: What frustrates you about the current status quo? What kind of world do you desire to live in?

  • Clear values: How will you make tough decisions? What's your compass to navigate uncertainty?

  • Clarity about your zone of genius, needs and limits: What activities / people / environments give you rsp. suck energy out of you?

  • Self-management: Skill to manage one's energy and time, setting holistic and realistic priorities

  • Self-care: Practice slowing down, nurturing and recharging body, mind, soul and spirit

  • Work with others: You enjoy connecting, communicating and collaborating with others and are willing to have tough conversations, manage conflict etc.

  • Lifelong learning: What worked, what didn't and why? Reflect and iterate...

Are you ready to lead with joy? Let’s talk. :)

If you want to learn more, I’m inspired by and can recommend:

  • Dare to lead by Brené Brown

  • Do lead by Les McKeown


The way of the Joypreneur vs Entrepreneur


Slow down, to be more impactful