Is my offer clear enough?

Today, I had a call with a self-employed coach and we talked about her offers and packages. For me, from the outside it was not clear what she offers, and for whom. Who is her ideal client? What’s the change she helps them to make? From where to where does she guide them?

I believe being clear is paramount when you want to find the right clients in our overwhelming noisy internet world. If they don’t get what you are about in a few seconds, they’ll leave. Plenty of other options to check out, or Netflix movies to watch.

She was hesitant to further sharpen her ideal client because she was afraid to exclude interesting people. I know this feeling. I’ve been there with two businesses. Even though I know how Important it is to niche down, it’s counter-intuitive and FOMO creeps up. Why niche-down and exclude some, when I could also help them, and them and them? How specific is clear enough?

When you try to please them all, you end up WOW-ing nobody.

It’s like when you’re inside the bottle, you don’t see the label. An outside perspective is key.

So when is an offer clear enough?

An offer is clear, if it:

  • has one main persona rsp ideal client

  • clearly excludes people

  • talks to a specific problem -> when the right people read it they say: “This is exactly me! How can she/he read my thoughts?”

  • outlines a change people want to make and are willing to invest time and money into it, not one that YOU think they should make. -> a good sign is the keywords they google for

  • clearly shows the outcome people get from working with you

  • shows testimonials of where people started and where they got to, thanks to your guidance

  • uses specific words and language, actual words your clients say, no general bla-bla words like “happiness / sustainable/ leadership/ next level/ success / fulfill potential/ empower / be more efficient and effective,…”

  • filters and moves the right people to get in touch with you. -> if you waste time in calls with potential clients that are not your ideal clients, your offer is not clear enough

Clear? ;) Let me know. I’m happy to have a look at your offers and check how clear they are for an outsider.


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